New & Used Powersports Vehicles For Sale in Athens, Ohio
Example terms for Pick A Payment before approved credit: 4.00% APR for 72 months. $0 down. Excludes parts and/or accessories, finance charges, electronic filing charges, freight, setup or delivery charges, taxes, and any additional government and emissions testing charges. APR available from select vendors. Not all buyers will qualify. Most riders prefer to allocate 10% of the selling price towards their down payment. Prior to closing, payments and rates are subject to change depending on contract date, lender program changes/guidelines, program calculation, data errors, credit verification, and final approval. Contact Don Wood Polaris for complete details.
Located in the heart of Ohio. Only a short drive from Jackson & Logan;
we are your one stop shop for New & Used Powersports & Polaris in Athens, OH.
Don Wood Polaris offers an array of ATVs and UTVs to fit your needs. Polaris means power, performance, and rugged durability.
Don Wood Polaris Is Part Of Don Wood Automotive the leading auto dealership group in southeastern Ohio. With plenty of new and pre-owned vehicles to choose from, you can quickly find the one you want at the price you need. If we don't have it, we can get it fast.
If you can't find what you're looking for in our showroom, we will custom order it for you. This includes parts for any make or model ATV or motorcycle. Come visit us today and get and see how our dealership can help you.